While President Obama was on his Australian tour, Matt Doran, Co-Host of the #1 Australian morning show Sunrise contacted Reggie to prank his Co-Host Monique Wright for April Fools Day. Mission Accomplished!
Reggie Brown challenges our understanding of perception, image and realizing truth through a powerful and comedic experiment. It’s getting harder to recognize truth from fiction in our everyday lives. We are being bombarded with so much information, misinformation, conflicting studies, “alternate facts”, etc..
Reggie shows us firsthand how easy it is for our perception to be thrown off. Watch as he presents a false physical image to the audience that is immediately processed and recognized as truth with mind, body and emotional reactions from the audience.
He challenges us to look deeper to find that life is more than meets the eye. Audio visual provided by Repertoire Productions https://repertoireproductions.com/
Thank you to everyone who donated to raise over $1,000,000 to fund Scleroderma research and treatments as well as the incredible talent and staff that made this event possible.